Overloaded School Bag

The modern education system today is trying to make education as much comprehensive as possible and as result the education syllabus demand student to bring a lot of books just to cover demanding education regime. There result in the extra load of school backpack which to bare by our kids daily. Based on the study done by Education Ministry of Malaysia in 2017, the average recommended school backpack is only 6kg while the average school bag only already cost more than 1kg or about 30% of the bag.

Tiger Family Malaysia - Ergonomic School Bag

Wrong Body Posture

The scenario becomes worst as that our kids have to carry extra weight that they suppose but also most school bag available in the market is not supporting the correct body posture. This problem affects our kid in long-term as they grow the extra weight and bad posture can affect the body alignment and also some kids even develop osteoporosis at a younger age if the issue is left unchecked.

Tiger Family Malaysia - Ergonomic School Bag

Ergonomics School Bag by Tiger Family

All Tiger Family school backpack is designed ergonomically to ensure safety, health and productivity of our kids. The school bag has a balanced-axis with laws of physics and physiology posterior which avoid postural distortion. Tiger family also has the largest variety of ergonomics bag in Malaysia suit all ages from kindergarten till adult.

Tiger Family Malaysia - Ergonomic School Bag